This post is a follow up to my previous post last week (dated September 22, 2021) which examined the “gap” in average rents between 1B and 2B units in southern Ontario’s twenty largest cities. In that post I found that the gap in average rents shrank from 2010 to 2020, implying a convergence in 1B and 2B rents, which I… Read more »
In a previous post (dated August 4, 2021) I examined the contribution to rent revenues that 1B and 2B purpose-built rental units make and found that 0B and 1B units contribute a lower percentage to estimated total average rent revenues than their percentage of rental supply. In this post I’m going to take a look at the “gap” between average… Read more »
Data shows that 1B and 2B rental units are by far the most plentiful unit types, together making up over 80% of all purpose-built rental units in southern Ontario’s 59 largest cities and towns. This means they contribute the bulk of rent revenues. However, 1B and 2B rents are often quite different, and the different quantities of each unit type… Read more »
In the first post in this series I examined historical unit mix data to see what types of purpose-built rentals have been built in twenty of Ontario’s largest cities. The data shows that since 2000 developers building new rentals have generally shifted to more 2 bed than 1 bed units while significantly reducing the number of studio and 3 bed… Read more »
In the first post in this series I examined historical unit mix data to see what types of purpose-built rentals have been built in twenty of Ontario’s largest cities. The data shows that since 2000 developers have generally shifted to building more 2 bed units, while significantly reducing the number of studio and 3 bed units. In the second post… Read more »
In the first post in this series I examined historical unit mix data to see what mix of purpose-built rental units have been built over the past few decades. My analysis found that since the year 2000 in twenty of Ontario’s largest cities developers have constructed far more 2 bed units than they did before 2000, while at the same… Read more »
What unit mix should developers choose for new rental projects? In previous posts I’ve made the point that there is such a large gap between supply and demand for rentals in most cities in southern Ontario that almost any rentals that are constructed will be leased. That’s not what developers, investors, and lenders want to hear, however, so I think… Read more »