Tag Archives: student housing

A Sign Of The Times: The Billionaire Amateur Architect

Charlie Munger is pretty much a household name in the finance and investing worlds, having made his name by becoming wealthy and being Warren Buffett’s investing partner for many decades. Apparently, he also has aspirations to be an architect. Read the article below. What can I say? To give credit where credit is due, his design is well suited to… Read more »

Rental Housing Hierarchy: Why Student Housing & Seniors Housing Aren’t the Same

On December 10th the Toronto Star published an article which described how a group of Mississauga residents are opposed to a developer’s proposal to build a “seniors apartment and assisted-living” complex near their homes on the site of a convent owned by the Carmelite Sisters of Canada, who also operated a senior’s home which was closed in 2015. You can… Read more »